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Notice on the 15th College Student Mental Health Month activities
2021-04-07 14:20  

Each school:

In order to thoroughly implement the Guiding Outline of Mental Health Education for Students in Colleges and Universities (Teaching Party201841号),We will do a solid job in psychological education under the normalization of the epidemic,Further adapt and meet the psychological needs of students,Optimize the psychological quality of college students,Improve college students' ability to recognize and deal with setbacks,Promote students to form self-esteem, self-confidence, rational peace, positive attitude,Upon study,The 15th College Student Mental Health Month was held in the university。

  1. Activity theme

    Heart to warm sun fly against the wind

    Second, the object of activity

    The whole school

    3. Activity time


    Iv. Content and arrangement of activities

    (1) Warm Heart Lecture Hall · The opening ceremony of the 15th College Students' Mental Health Month and psychological lecture

    1.Keynote speaker

    Guo Juan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University,Registered supervisor of clinical psychology, Chinese Psychological Society,Member of China Psychological Science Popularization Committee and China Adolescent Mental Health Special Committee, member of the Ministry of Education's psychological training expert group before studying abroad, expert of China's Ministry of Commerce and Trade's Belt and Road Foreign Aid lecture, member of Jilin Province Family Education Committee。

    2.Lecture time


    3.Lecture content

    Blooming the flower of life in the wind and rain -- common frustration and coping of college students

    (2) Smile to meet setbacks and psychological knowledge competition

    1.Game time


    2.Game flow

    1Preliminary: The written test is adopted (closed book), and the paper is divided into two types of objective questions and subjective questions。The content of the test paper is the basic knowledge of psychology. Students can prepare for the preliminary contest according to the question bank issued by the psychology center in advance。The highest score in the preliminary round108People enter the rematch。

    2Final round: According to the results of the preliminary round, it will be entered into the final round by drawing lots108All students are divided randomly36A team of equal strength (a team of three);36The teams are divided randomly6组,每6Teams play as a group;The semi-finals are in the form of live answers, mainly including required questions and quick answers, and the team with the highest score in each group enters the final。

    3Final: The winner of the rematch6Teams play in the finals。The final will take the form of on-site answers, including required questions, quick answers, risk questions and mutual choice and other links。

    3.Award setting

    1First prize1Team, second prize2Team, third prize3Team, several awards for excellence。

    2Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact number of points will be determined by each school)。

    (See Appendix for registration details1

    (3) Born from the sun · "The power of positive emotions" punch in activity

    1.Active time


    2.Activity purpose

    Help students experience the positive influence and magical power of positive emotions, let thoughts lead behavior, and internalize behavior ability

    3.Activity content

    1Class lecture: Through the form of class lecture from the "understanding our emotions", "why the need for emotion management", "the root of emotions", "how to manage emotions" and other perspectives to scientifically explain emotions, effectively improve the ability of students to manage emotions。

    2) Punch in activities:4Mid-month, the psychological center will be opened21Day punch card activity。Students need to persevere21Day in the nail nail platform to share their experience about managing emotions。At the same time, the teachers of the psychological center and the members of the group will interact with the students on the platform every day, answer the questions of the students in time, and accompany the students to grow up together。

    4.Award setting

    坚持21Tachometer cardStudents are awarded points for conduct (the exact number of points is determined by each school)。

    (4) Flying against the Wind, Psychodrama competition

    1.Active time


    2.Form of competition

    The competition must be in the form of colleges, classes, societies, etc。

    3.Game flow

    1Preliminary competition: Conducted by each college, recommended by each college1-2For a play to participate in the school-level semifinals, candidate groups are required to fill in the "Application Form for Psychodrama Competition" (Appendix2), the application form should be accompanied by a script, and43017:00The college will package the materials and send them to the

    2Final round: The head of each participating group is5101200To the student center407Submit the paper script and the contact information of the person in charge, and draw lots to determine the order of the rematch。Selected in the rematch68A play goes to the finals。

    3Final: Time is5Late October, for the final68Groups draw lots to determine the order of performances。

    4.Competition requirement

    1Each play must be assigned a tutor to ensure the quality of the play。

    2The scripts are required to be original, and the content is required to be created closely around the hot issues in the real life of college students and the common psychological confusion among students, focusing on reflecting the inner psychological conflict and psychological adjustment process of the characters。

    3Each play is limited in time1520分钟。

    4Props such as tables and chairs are provided at the competition site. Costumes, field affairs and small props are prepared by the participating teams according to the needs of the play。

    5Actors need to perform without writing, and the performance has a certain artistic appeal。

    5.Award setting

    First prize1One, second prize2Yes, third prize35个。Best actor and actress, best Supporting actor and actress, best screenplay1名。

    (5) Forge ahead, psychological theme class meeting competition

    1.Active time


    2.Activity content

    181920With the theme of "Warming the heart to the Yang · Flying against the wind", the Grade psychology commissaries enrich students' psychological and social resources and improve their sense of happiness and power in class activities;17The psychological committee member carried out the psychological class meeting with the theme of "Smile to welcome the future and set sail", guiding the students to rationally face the employment pressure under the normalization of the epidemic, alleviate the employment anxiety after graduation, with passion and hope, and prepare for the sail after graduation from college。

    3.Game flow

    1Preliminary competition: Conducted by each school, recommended by each school1-3For each class to participate in the school-level semifinals, the candidate classes must fill in the "Psychological Theme Class Meeting Competition Plan" (Appendix3),并于5111700The college will hand over the materials to the Student Activity Center320室。

    2Final match: Psychology committee member of each participating class5141200To the student center407Draw lots to determine the order of the rematches。Selected in the rematch6One class goes to the finals。

    3Final: Time is6At the beginning of the month, the six classes participating in the final draw lots to determine the order of the competition, the form of the competition can be the wonderful content of the class meeting or the complete content of the class meeting, the time must not exceed20分钟。

    4.Competition requirement

    The theme class meeting should be organized, planned and carried out by the class psychology committee. In principle, counselors or class teachers are required to give guidance to the class meeting。The content of the class meeting should be closely related to the theme, close to the actual psychological state of college students, with the goal of cultivating students' correct understanding and ability to face setbacks and difficulties in growth, and creating a positive and optimistic psychological atmosphere for the class。The class meeting can be carried out in various forms, such as: group training, psychological salon, psychological case, role play, fun activities and so on。

    5.Award setting

    First prize1One, second prize2Yes, third prize3A number of awards for excellence。

    (6) The Most beautiful Youth · "Meet Spring" theme photography competition

    1.Active time


    2.Activity purpose

    Enrich students' spiritual and cultural life, and enhance students' sense of belonging and cohesion。

    3.Activity content

    There is no winter that is insurmountable, no spring that will not come。After the impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the originally quiet campus slowly ushered in recovery, the school has begun to operate normally, and students have become more energetic。Students can press the shutter to record those ordinary and beautiful moments between themselves and friends, classmates and lovers in the bright spring, and fix the happiness in the timeline with photos。

    4.Activity requirement

    1Photographic works are required to be objective, true, positive, highlighting ideological and artistic。Works are required to be original, no CGI photos are accepted。

    2) Limited to each person2A piece of work and in5181700前将PDFThe format of the image source file (can be appropriate with text description) sent to the

    5.Award setting

    1Awards are set according to the quantity and quality of the work submitted。

    2The list of winners and their works will be announced in the form of tweets on the wechat public platform of the Tokyo Electric Psychology Center。

    3Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact points will be determined by each school).。

    (7) Warm support · "Journey of Hope" series group psychological counseling

    1.Active time


    2.Activity purpose

    Help students to know themselves, enhance confidence, enhance motivation, full of hope。

    3.Activity content

    1"Improve Procrastination" Growth group counseling

    Objective: To pass special group psychological counseling training,Help students have a more scientific knowledge and understanding of procrastination behavior,Discover the psychological causes behind your procrastination,Then guide students to improve their procrastination behavior,Reduce the negative impact of procrastination on the practical and psychological levels,Promote students to achieve better realistic performance and psychological self-growth。

    Active object:2018Level x student

    Speaker: Zhao Bohan

    2"Effective communication and harmonious interpersonal" growth group psychological counseling

    Objective: To complete tasks through team communication and cooperation, to realize the importance of strengthening communication and cooperation among teams, to cultivate members' awareness of active communication, to experience effective communication channels and methods, to learn to deal with competition reasonably, and to have the ability to shape harmonious interpersonal relationships。

    Active object:2019Level x student

    Speaker: Lina Zhou

    3"My optimism, my decision" growth group counseling

    Objective: Through the activities, to understand the students' common self-regulation methods and evaluate whether they are appropriate。Let students understand that everyone is happy and optimistic in different ways, and learn from each other to find their own thinking mistakes and blind spots。

    Active object:2020Level x student

    Speaker: Zhang Li

    (8) Sunshine peer · Series of psychological essays

    1.Active time


    2.Activity purpose

    On the occasion of the regular prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the students' positive spirit during the prevention and control of the epidemic was displayed。

    3.Activity content

    The students expressed their personal feelings under the normalization of the epidemic in the form of writing, writing their feelings and passing on positive energy。

    4.Activity requirement

    1Works are required to be original。The subject matter is not limited (poetry, fiction, prose, etc.), the content is not limited, and the word count is not limited。

2) Participating students from5301700Before will work toWordwpsFormat sent to

5.Award setting

1Awards are set according to the quantity and quality of the work submitted。

2The list of winners and their works will be announced in the form of tweets on the wechat public platform of the Tokyo Electric Psychology Center。

3Students will be awarded points for conduct (the exact points will be determined by each school).。

(9) Hui Xin Album · Characteristic activities of the College

1.Active time


2.Activity content

Health month,Each college shall be based on the actual situation of its students,Combine the characteristics and advantages of the college,Carry out a psychological theme activity combining moral education with heart and strengthening humanistic care,Create a good atmosphere of caring for mental health among students,To promote students to know their own mental health scientifically,Constantly improve mental health。

3.Activity requirement

Each college6201700Summarize the characteristic activities of the college beforeWordwpsFormat sent to email1508382821@qq.comSummary requires pictures or video materials。

(10) Closing ceremony of the 15th College Student Mental Health Month

1.Closing ceremony time


2.Closing Ceremony:

1The 15th College Students Mental Health Month video exhibition

2Students' wonderful activities show

3The 15th College Students Mental Health Month award collective and individual recognition

Remarks: The specific time and place of various activities during Mental Health Month will be announced separately。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012